Creipac – Rachel et Rosie

We went to Creipac for three, three hour lessons on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. We were split into two groups, one of fourteen and one of thirteen. Our teacher, Natalie, was very kind and funny and helped us improve our French pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar skills. The school was located by the blue-green waterfront and was surrounded by trees.

Monday October 1st

On the first day at Creipac, we split into our two groups and started class. We studied items found in suitcases, verbs and their groupings and revised recent information that we had previously learned back in our own French classes in Sydney.


Tuesday October 2nd

On the second day at Creipac, we studied different foods like: la pomme, la carotte, le chou and la poire as well as items found in restaurants like: l’assiette, la fourchette  and la cuillère. We learned how to describe whether we liked certain foods, and played an elimination game where we had to name different fruits and vegetables by memory.


Thursday 4th October

On the third day at Creipac, we learned words relating to the beach which tied into our previous day where we went to Amédée Island. Some of these words included: le coquillage, le hippocampe, and PMT. We completed a French quiz about New Caledonia and learned many interesting cultural facts including the name of the traditional robe, la robe mission. We also listened to popular French music and how it differs from our own English music. We listened to Je Te Déteste, Le même, and Merci. Le même was liked by everyone and was the most popular song. It is very catchy and both classes were singing it loudly in our rooms and in the bus, even though no one knew all the lyrics! We finished the day by receiving a certificate of completion for our 9 hours of French lessons, and we then took a group photo in front of the waterfront. Overall, both groups enjoyed our Creipac lessons a lot and enjoyed our teachers and all the new words and phrases we learned.


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